Goleen Lotto

The Community Council Lotto has been in place since August 2002
Most of you will have played at some stage over that time. We are, of course aware that we are not reaching all of you and we are now hoping
to make it easier for everyone to buy their tickets. Along with selling in the local pubs and shops, in future, it will be possible to purchase 4 week/ 13 week/ 26 week or 52 week blocks of tickets

We feel this might be a more suitable option for those who don’t call to the village venues on a regular basis, or don’t want the inconvenience of writing out tickets every week. For more info on options for buying your lotto tickets or to register your interest, contact Bob on: 087-968-5344 or Tom on: 086-356-7771 and we can discuss your options and payment methods

If you’re reading this in the Newsletter online, chances are you may not be living in the Goleen area. Don’t feel left out as we have not forgotten you! There is also a dedicated email address, you can write to us at: goleenlotto@gmail.co

We can organize any combination of ticket sales so please get in touch, we appreciate your support now, or in the future and we’ll be delighted to see you the next time you visit us in Goleen.

Be assured that all proceeds from the Lotto are used locally,
for ongoing projects such as maintenance of the Community Centre
and the pitch, the very popular Meals on Wheels service and the Monday Social Centre, the important job of strimming and the upkeep of our graveyards and the annual cutting of the hedges, an absolute necessity for road safety.

We also provide Christmas trees for the village, and beautiful hanging baskets and flower barrels in the summer months, along with our very popular summer festival. Lotto funds also go towards loan repayments for land that has been recently purchased for future projects.

We would like to thank you for supporting the Lotto all through the years and we wish you luck, but remember – if you’re not in you can’t win!