There have been many attempts to better organise tourism in this area, tourism is a major employer and we all need jobs but what the Mizen Peninsular has to offer is a rare commodity that is not easily summed up with glossy brochures. West Cork is A Place Apart which is a clever way of saying the usual rules may not apply here. Things are slow to change; trends and fashions have little impact to an area steeped in traditional ways. You often hear of West Cork time, things do take a little longer when you stop and chat with your neighbours, friends and visitors.
Part of the charm of this unique corner of Ireland is things move a little slower; you need time to appreciate the scenery, to watch the sunset and listen to the birds. Visitors regularly return, some have been returning their whole lives and some have never left. In a world full of hi tech and virtual experience the Mizen offers an alternative. Real adventures on sea and land, witnessing a whale breaking the surface or a chough swirling across the skyline, the waves breaking over the sand or even just sharing a wonderful lunch with friends, the Mizen offers time and a connection with life that is ever so precious.
Three local Facebook sites, Goleen, Ballydehob and Schull have got together to try and help those who need a bit of little Mizen magic in their lives. Discover Mizen Peninsula hopes to enable those who spend time in the virtual world discover what we have plenty of……..